A ranked map is a telltale indicator of a competitive map. This special state ensures that the map meets quality standards, is fair from a criteria standpoint, and may get you to try new things to broaden your skillset. This guide explains the steps required to rank a map on BeatLeader.
Modding is a term borrowed from the osu! ranking community. It is the process of review and feedback through a map editor and/or in-game analysis
Every map needs to go through this process to make sure it meets the competitive standard set out in the ranking criteria.
A mapper can have a maximum of three (3) mapsets in the ranking process at a time (from the review to qualified states). This includes collaborations, both on a single difficulty as well as guest difficulties, if they are going for rank. Lighting may be considered an exception to this as long as you did not contribute anything else.
When ranking a map on BeatLeader you agree to certain rules and restrictions surrounding the ranking process, availability of the map, and collaboration with other mappers. Please read the Ranking Rules page before proceeding.
The goal of review during the ranking process is to ensure that all maps that are ranked going forward meet quality standards determined by the Nomination Quality Team (NQT). This process occurs before any criteria checks on a map. Please make sure your map meets the following before submitting:
To submit a map for review, navigate to the BeatLeader Discord and create a new post under #review-hub. Website integration will be coming soon. The NQT will go through maps submitted and vote on them, providing the mapper with a mod when they see potential.
After your map has recieved at least two (2) NQT upvotes, and no downvotes remain, it will be nominated and put into the ranking queue.
Along with feedback, you can receive three types of votes. These votes are the gague used to determine if a map may be nominated. The vote types are defined as follows:
You are expected to make changes within 2 weeks. If you expect it to take longer, communicate this with the team member who provided feedback to your map. Posts may be closed if no response is given for an extended period of time.
Maps that are closed under these conditions will result in a penalty based on the closest vote state.
In order to be nominated, maps must:
For a map to be removed from review, maps must:
It is important to note that maps may be resubmitted after changes have been made. An ❌ vote does not "ban" the map from being ranked. The current version is deemed unrankable, but you may try again on a new version if improvements have been made.
If you feel like ❌ votes have been abused by an NQT member, please reach out to a member of the Ranking Admin Team with your concern and reasoning.
The goal of the ranking queue is to ensure that all maps ranked meet criteria standards. This includes detailed checking for timing errors, as well as anything else that breaks criteria.
Following the review process, the Ranking Team (RT) will complete two criteria checks on all maps in the ranking queue. The mapper may again be provided with a mod with changes that may be required for rank. Additional subjective quality feedback or suggestions may also be provided at an RT member's discretion, but these will not be required.
Assuming all issues or concerns have been addressed and both criteria checks are succesful, the map moves onto qualified.
A map that is qualified should be free of all issues, and serves as a place where the public can do a final check before rank. Maps must be qualified for at least 7 days before getting ranked.
Qualified maps may still be pulled from qualified if significant issues have been overlooked.
Congratulations! Through your hard effort, the map is now ranked.