The purpose of the Ranking Rules is to provide a universal standard to help produce and rank fair maps.
The rules your map must follow are split into 2 main categories and a glossary:
This criteria is enforced by the Ranking Team and must be followed.
These guidelines are an important reference by the Nomination Quality Team to enforce the quality standard.
Extra explanations and examples.
Breaking any of these restrictions will be recorded and result in disciplinary action
*bans are uploader only
There are several ways in which we objectively enforce against activities that waste excessive time from team members. These measures are in place to prevent our currently limited time from being wasted carelessly or intentionally.
Maps that are not rejected must follow through on the promise to rank the map. You may not drop out of the ranking process if your map has not been rejected. This is done to avoid time from being wasted over an unwillingness to do the smaller fixes that are left when votes above ❌ are given. These waste the most time as the map has often been checked multiple times at this point. You are exempt from this rule if no votes have been cast on your map before you wish to withdraw.
Maps that are rejected will be kept track of by the Overseer bot. This is to prevent spam of low quality submissions in an objective way, and should not interfere with your legitimate ranking efforts.
Every time a new mapset is ranked, we will remove the oldest recorded map from your rejected maps record. Any rejected map record that is 6 months old will also be removed.
If 3 maps accumulate in your rejected maps record, an offence will be applied. The length of time will be based on your past offences.
Offences become longer if you accumulate them in succession. Past offences are counted until the duration of the offence tier above them has passed after your unban.
Definition of penalties:
First offence: 1 month + acknowledgement
Second offence: 3 months + appeal
Third offence: 6 months + appeal
Subsequent offences: 1 year + appeal
You will move back one standing after the amount of time of the next tier has passed.
For example, 3 months after the 1st offence ban has passed (4 months total) you will return to 0 offences again.
6 months after a second offence has passed you will move back to a standing of 1 offences, and 3 months after that you will return to 0 offences again.
A mapper should only create a new post in review-hub once per week.
A mapper can only have a maximum of (3) mapsets in the ranking process at a time.
If the map is a collaboration, make sure that you have permission from all mappers and inform us that you do.
You are expected to communicate in a positive manner. You are always free to tell us why you dont agree with something, there is never a need to reply in a (passive)-agressive manner. Toxicity towards anyone will not be tolerated.
NQT/RT and volunteers do their best to check if your map follows criteria, do not argue about the validity of criteria with them. We take feedback on criteria and the ranking process seriously so do not be afraid to tell us if you think something should change, but you must never react (passive)-agressively to a mod or comment.
Please feel free to inform an NQT or RAT member if someone is being unfriendly.