Contexts are individually submittable leaderboards based on all scores submitted to the BeatLeader servers.
Each context can be through of it's own leaderboard with it's own submission rules.
When you send a score submission to BeatLeader, it's tested against all contexts to see where it can be uploaded to.
For example, if you have very good score on a new map with pauses and no modifiers, your submission would be accepted on the General and No Modifiers contexts.
Later on you play the same map with a lesser score, no modifiers, but with no pauses.
The score is lesser on the last 2 contexts so they don't submit, but because there's no submission for this map on the No Pause context, it's "better" and will submit in that context.
This way, a no-pause score thats worse than an existing paused score will only upload to the no pause leaderboard.
The general leaderboard is the main leaderboard used in events, competition, and clan rankings.
As the main leaderboard, it allows all score submition as long as the player follows the rules outlined in the rules.
The new score must be better than the existing score.
No Modifiers is a context leaderboard, and only allows score submission on plays set without the use of game changing modifiers. So no speed changes, no note type changes, no hitbox changes
but stuff like IF(1 Live) and BE(4 Lives) are fail conditions, so they are included in No Modifiers context, because if you have passed with them, that means the modifier had no effect, so it wouldnt make sense to call it a play with a modifier.
The score must be set without using modifiers that alter the gameplay.
The new score must be better than the existing score.
Banned modifiers include:
No Pauses is a context leaderboard, and only allows score submission on plays set without pausing*.
The score must be set without pausing for any length of time.
The new score must be better than the existing score.
Golf is a context leaderboard focused on getting the worst possible scores.
The score must be set without pausing for any length of time.
The new score must be Worse than the existing score.
The new score must be 50% or less.
SCPM is a context leaderboard focused on getting the best possible accuracy using the Small Cubes and Pro Mode modifiers.
The new score must be better than the existing score.
The new score must be set using the Small Cubes and Pro Mode modifiers.