The purpose of this page is to provide more explainations and examples of the criteria's rules.
Terms used throught the criteria.
- 4x3 Grid: The 12 placement positions for a note.
- BPM: Beats per minute. Defines the tempo of the map.
- Variable BPM: A BPM that can change throughout the songs length.
- Beat: A fraction of a minute defined by the BPM.
- Offset: The time added-subtracted to the songs audio file to align the start of the song to a beat within the map editor.
- Pre-swing path: The swing path before hitting a note.
- Post-swing path: The swing path after hitting a note.
- Object(s): Notes, Chains, Arcs, Bombs, and Walls.
- Interactable object(s): All notes, bombs, and chains. Additionally, all walls in the middle two lanes.
- Hittable object(s): Notes, Bombs, and Chain heads/links.
- Dodge wall(s): Walls on the middle left or right side of the map.
- Pauls: A pattern shown here that involve the use of excessive notes to prolong a swing.
- Home: The origin side for each colour. The right side for right handed (blue) notes and the left side for left handed (red) notes.
- Head: In the context of chains, the head is the first and bigger component of the complete chain.
- Links: In the context of chains, links are the following pieces after the head.
- Effective slider precision: Effective precision is the precision between each note in a slider. for window sliders the left out note should be counted too, as the swing still takes time to travel the distance.
- What defines a different section?: A different section is often signified by a significant change in sound, a change to a different precision, or a significant bpm change.
- Handclap: Both hands/controllers attempting to occupy the same position in space at the same time.
¶ Images and Additional Explanation
- Objects may not intersect in the Z dimension, such as these notes.

- The walls intersecting in the image on the left is allowed, the note inside the wall in the image on the right is not.

- The pre-swing of the blue note is blocked by the red note. This is not allowed.

- The pre-swing of the blue note is blocked by a chain link. This is not allowed.

- The following images show a pattern that has too much hitbox overlap.

- The following images show a pattern that has too much hitbox overlap in the intended swing path.

- This swing rotates more than 45 degrees, which is not allowed.

- These patterns are not allowed as swings may only deviate in one direction along the entire swing path.

- This swing deviation does not have a reasonnable radius, which is not allowed.

¶ R4C. Patterns may not encourage hand claps
- This is an example of a pattern that is very likely to be considered a handclap.

- The circled note is on the opposite side of the wall and is not allowed.

- The chain on the left image is allowed, the chain on the right image is not.

- Both bomb placements shown here are not allowed.

- This pattern forces the sabers to leave the 4x3 grid and is not allowed.

- Both images show walls that cannot realistically be avoided, and thus are not allowed.

- This wall forces the player to move into one of the outer lanes, which is not allowed.

- The note outlined in green is allowed, the notes outlined in blue are not.