The goal of the Nomination Quality Team (NQT) is to improve the quality of maps in the ranked queue and ranked pool as a whole.
- NQT members have the power to review and nominate maps that they feel are of high-quality and deserve to be added to the ranked pool.
- All nominated maps must have had a post in the #review-hub within BeatLeader's Discord
- Maps move from on from the review process to nomination only after at least 2 votes, with the majority being upvotes.
NOTE: NQT members cannot criteria check/qualify as that is one of the Ranking Team's responsibilities.
- The NQT team as a whole has the power to remove maps from queue.
- This requires several NQT members to vote and following the decision the mapper can resubmit to the review hub.
- Denomination may occur at any time from when the map is nominated to right before the map is ranked.
- The NQT team has the power to unrank maps that are of significantly poor quality.
- A discussion takes place that involves at least one-third (1/3) of the team.
- Two-thirds (2/3) of the members who participated in the discussion vote in favor of the unrank process.
- Do not nominate your own maps
- Do not vote on your own maps
- Try to nominate/vote on a variety of maps, from a variety of different mappers
- Try to have as little bias as possible when nominating or voting
- When voting on a map (upvote, downvote, or
) it is required to give reasoning for the decision
- It is asked that all NQT members vote on at least two (2) maps every two (2) months.
- Exceptions can be made after speaking to a member of the Ranking Admin Team.
- Not meeting the voting activity requirement means that an NQT member may be removed from the roster.
- All activity checks will be announced before removal occurs.
- Inactive members affected by the removal are welcome to reapply if they feel they can resume activity.